Life Goals - Debt Free

Practical Ways to Locate Money

Ideas to Earn $

Panhandling on the internet or a street corner is probably not the most practical way to earn money or improve your financial situation.  Here are some real alternatives to help you out:

  1. Look for a part-time job that  you can do in your off hours.
  2. Create your own part-time job:
    • babysit
    • laundry/ironing
    • run errands
    • walk dogs
    • housesit
    • deliver groceries
    • clean gutters
    • mow lawns
  3. Look around your home, is there anything you can auction on the eBay. 
    • offer to sell items for family or friends on the ebay, take a small percentage of the sale after expenses.
  4. Turn off all the lights and unplug all the appliances and electronics you are not using at that moment.  I heard recently that just turning your computer off every night will save you $100 per year on your electric bill!
  5. Check out your grocery bill.  Use meat as a condiment rather than a main course.  If you are a die-hard meat lover, make it a once a week treat!  Skip the processed foods, a sack of potatoes goes a lot farther for $1 than a bag of potato chips.
  6. We have a family of six, and showers can create a drain on our electric bill.  By staggering showers, our hot water heater was not working over time to heat cold water!  Also consider looking at if and when you run your washing machine or dish washer.



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