Life Goals - Debt Free

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Ideas to Earn $

Blatant Self Promotion, Begging On Street Corners Taken to a New Level
Donate to My Favorite Charity - ME!

Most of us see people down on their luck begging on local street corners, in parking lots. The birth of the Internet has allowed us to re-invent the nature of begging and take it to new levels.

One of the most entertaining and successful beggars that I ran across recently actually began her journey several years ago in 2002. The SAVE KARYN website outlined Karyn's dilemma of being in debt from just plain over spending on her credit cards to the tune of $20,000.

Karyn kept a diary on her website showing every extra penny she made or received. In turn, she also detailed the balance of her debt as it decreased with those payments. Her website offered several ways to donate cash to her credit card debt with her personal guarantee that the funds would go only to that cause.

Surprisingly, Karyn was successful and received not only cash donations, but also gifts to help her along her way to financial freedom. Karyn still maintains her website, and still receives donations which are currently being forwarded to charity. Karyn has also published a book about her panhandling experiences which is available at her website.

Other sites are for more entertaining causes such as Ed Needs A Hummer, or The Amazing Send Me a Dollar Website. Both are silly and humorous in their own rite, although it looks like the second site has taken in more cash to date.

Even celebrities will resort to cyber begging from time to time. For those of us who grew up watching Saved by the Bell, the character Screech is out there on the internet panhandling also through his website

If you are seriously interested in becoming an internet beggar, there are websites specifically designed to assist you. also under the name DonateMoney2Me is one of the more well known. It's quick and easy to create your own beggar webpage with a Paypal button for about 33 cents a day.

I was surprised to also find panhandlers on Through the Honor System at Amazon, you can post your personal story and also include a payment link. Be aware that Amazon is in business to make money and takes a small percentage of every donation you receive. One such website., offers both Amazon's option as well as Paypal to help potential donors feel secure.

Although the average person doesn't reach the level of success that Karyn did, keep in mind that yours may be the story that captures the nation's heart and soul. Donations may pour in, but don't get your hopes up.

In some ways, internet panhandling is almost refreshing. At least it's honest and straight forward unlike the ads that assault is through pop ups and email spam promoting ways to earn millions on the internet. Donating a dollar or two for entertainment and charity should be fun and a lot lest costly than the price of an e-book.

With tongue in cheek, read the following:

As I remember the beginning of Karyn's journey to financial freedom, my own thoughts wonder . . . if only 150,000 people each donated one dollar, my house would be paid off and I would be living the American Dream. Visit my website Donate2Kris and help my dream come true with your $1.00 donation today.

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